The NFPA 3000 (PS) standard for an Active Shooter/ Hostile Event Response (ASHER) program was published in April 2018. NFPA 3000 was issued as a provisional standard (PS) due to the expedited process of approving and publishing a standard after a string of active shooter events in 2016. The organizations and communities that were impacted by the active shooter/hostile events were ill-prepared for these types of crises and their aftermath.From 2000 to 2018, The United States experienced 277 active shooter events involving 2,430 casualties. These incidents impacted a variety of organizations, institutions, businesses and communities throughout the U. S. with little-to-no warning. Prior to NFPA 3000, there was no standard to provide guidance on planning for, responding to and recovering from an active shooter or hostile event crisis.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) was chosen to develop and publish the standard due to its experience in building consensus for the development of standards, particularly with emergency responders as well as fire and life safety experts. Following the Pulse Nightclub shooting in 2016, the city of Miami requested NFPA to develop a standard for these type of events.
The standard was developed through the formation of the Technical Committee on Cross Functional Emergency Preparedness and Response consisting of 55 members. This includes representatives from the Department of Homeland Security, various police agencies and emergency responders, university and healthcare association representatives and community leaders.
The standard addresses the following aspects of planning for the active shooter/ hostile event:
- Risk Assessment (identifying the threats)
- Planning and Coordination
- Resource Management
- Incident Management
- Facility Preparedness
- Financial Management
- Community Center Support
- Competencies for Law Enforcement Officers, Fire and EMS Responders
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Training
- Public Education and Information
- Continuity of Operations
- Hospital Preparedness for Out-of-Hospital ASHER Incidents
- Recovery
In addition to using NFPA 3000 (PS) standard for an Active Shooter/ Hostile Event (ASHER) program as a guide to preparing for an active shooter or hostile event, NFPA also offers a training and certification program through its website titled “NFPA 3000 (PS) Active Shooter/ Hostile Event Response; Plan, Respond, Recover Program Specialist Online Training” to provide additional education and training in preparing for an active shooter or hostile event.
For more information and assistance in preparing your organization for an active shooter or hostile event, please contact an RCM&D Risk Consultant.
NFPA 3000 (PS) Active Shooter/ Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program 2018
“What is Your Role in an Active Shooter or Hostile Event?” Web Broadcast By Paul Marshall at McGowan WebEx