
Effective Claims Reporting and Management after a Hurricane

The 2017 hurricane season has gotten off to a roaring start with Hurricanes Harvey and Irma leaving devastating impacts throughout the Gulf and the Atlantic. Individuals and businesses alike are beginning to fully assess the damages and report insurance claims for their losses in order to begin the recovery and rebuilding process. 

There are a number of tips to help you effectively report and manage your claim after a hurricane. 


Mitigate your damages

Report the claim promptly

Retaining damaged items

Retain documentation of costs

While effectively reporting and managing a claim after a disaster can help save you time and money, the factor that makes the biggest impact is whether or not you were adequately prepared for the disaster.

Hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30, so there is still the threat of more damaging storms to come.  Whether you are in Texas, Florida, the Caribbean or anywhere along the Atlantic— proper preparation can save lives, prevent damages and expedite recovery. Check out these tips to develop a hurricane preparedness plan well before the threat of a new hurricane exists.

Hurricane Preparation before the Threat

If you have a question about a claim or would like more information, please contact Peggie Fairer, Claim Consultant, at or 410-339-5869.