More and more media outlets are publishing stories of “new and weird tricks” that parents can use to lower the cost of car insurance for their teenage drivers. While this content grabs your attention, it can be harmful as it shifts the focus from the two much more important issues.
What can possibly be more important than taking steps to protect your inexperienced teenage drivers from being in an accident? Among all age groups, statistics reveal cell phone distractions are a factor in 25% of all accidents. Imagine how much higher this risk is for younger drivers. Distracted driving is the biggest risk to manage for parents with young drivers. Cellcontrol is one service provider offering a solution that prevents unauthorized in-motion use of mobile phones. Their solution puts parents in control of what a family member can or cannot do with their cell phone while driving.
Ask any parent of a teenager who has been involved in a serious accident about the cost of their insurance coverage. After an accident, no one is concerned about cost, but everyone is very concerned with the level of insurance protection available to protect their assets. Unfortunately, focusing on how well your insurance program protects your assets after an accident can remind many of the folly of being “penny-wise, but pound-foolish.”
Take the critical steps to protect your children and your assets first, and then work with an insurance professional to examine strategies to intelligently manage the cost of proper insurance coverage.